Fulfilled-Life BLOG
Bite size answers to life's tricky questions
Life's Wisdom Gained Through Puzzle Building
17 January 2023
Don't you just love the simple pleasure of puzzle building?
For me, these days, I've realized that puzzle building is like a delicious treat. It allows the sweet luxury of slowing down time and stepping off of life's rushing treadmill, away from all things screens and technology.
I've always enjoyed this relaxing pastime, and this December was no exception. It's been a while since I last built a puzzle, so what a delight it was to tear the wrapping off a large Christmas present this year and to find, not one, but two 1000 piece puzzles!
It wasn't long before my family and I opened the first box and started sorting the pieces to start building... and before long, my thoughts were drawn toward the parallels between puzzle building and life.
By the time the last piece was fitted, I had a rather surprising list of insights into life's wisdom that can be found in puzzle building.
Confessions of a Recovering People Pleaser
03 May 2022
JOY. What is it?
Whatever it was, I knew I didn't have it.
How does one find it? I had no idea where to start looking or what to look for.
Finding Joy
03 June 2022
JOY. What is it?
Whatever it was, I knew I didn't have it.
How does one find it? I had no idea where to start looking or what to look for.
Living Behind the Mask of Accomplishment
15 June, 2022
Do you find yourself caught up in the busyness of all your doing? Do Do Do...
You feel great so long as you're accomplishing stuff...
Yet, when you think about pressing pause, or slowing down, you feel like you'll lose your sense of worth.
3 Little Words to Help You Avoid Burn Out
03 July, 2022
"As much as I love my job, I feel I am losing motivation for it. I don't have a sense of 'work-life balance' and am missing out on time I really want with my family. Quite frankly, I am exhausted and know I can't keep going like this! Something has to change, but I don't know what that is or how to start figuring it out.".... Sound familiar??
Am I Enough?
03 August, 2022
So, this is another reason, I believe, why so many of us struggle with feeling enough.
Because who decides when enough is enough? Who measures enough?
How long is a piece of string?
So I ask: Is it possible to be enough, when the very measure of the value of 'enoughness' has no definitive measure?
Is it possible to stop believing you're a failure?
30 September, 2022
One of the most common mindsets I come across in my coaching practice is the failure mindset. So many of us, deep down, believe we're deficient in some way. We believe we are not enough. We believe that we've somehow failed life in one way or other.
How does anyone go about changing their 'failure mindset' in a way that's truly believable and lasting?
3 Must have foundations to live life well
30 October 2022
I was recently asked to speak at a women's breakfast event on the topic of "keeping on keeping on", and to share encouragement on how to live every day well.
This was a broad topic for sure, so I soon found myself reflecting on this big question: What is it, specifically, that helps me to keep on keeping on in a way that I get to say I'm living life well? ...Especially when life gets tough.
Do you have questions about life that you've puzzled over? You've googled the topic and not had much luck finding an answer?
Or is there a topic around living your life more fulfilled that you're curious about and would like me to write about here?
If so, let me know and I'll see if it's something I could possibly write about!😀
Confessions of a recovering People Pleaser
03 May 2022
Finding Joy
03 June 2022
Living Behind the Mask of Accomplishment
15 June 2022
3 Little Words to Help You Avoid Burn Out
03 July 2022
Am I Enough?
03 August 2022
Is it possible to stop believing your'e a failure?
30 September 2022
3 Must have foundations to live life well.
30 October 2022